Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile

- Albert Einstein

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reciprocal Altruism: Tit for Tat

Do you love or help others as you would do to yourself without any selfish motive?

Well, not always.

Do you find it easy to put yourself in someone else’s shoes?

When you really need a favor, the first person you turn to is someone who I did a favor for in the past.

You are only willing to help someone if doing so will benefit you as well.

You regularly do favors for others without being asked.

You believe in the motto “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.”

When you do a favor for someone, you expect it to be returned.

Just pause for a while and wonder where you are.


Kara Jorgensen said...

Sometimes I think of this. Often when I'm entering or exiting a building and see someone I don't particularly like behind me, I wonder if I should just let the door fall shut. I try not to go by the motto of I'll do for you, if you do for me. I think it's just good morals to help other without being asked or expect anything in return. I try to use what my parents taught me.

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that all of these comments about doing good and recieving good range from one end of the spectrum of society to the other. You touched upon all of the possible answers or thoughts that people might be thinking once they go out of their way to do something for someone.

Anonymous said...

Just reading this post makes you ponder over what you would really do in certain situations like this. Like Kara said sometimes there are times when there is someone you just dont like or get along with and you wish you could be unpolite but something in us also causes us to go through the motions. This could be cause of morals, ethics, or just how we were raised and told to treat others even though they may not treat you the same.

Hiren said...

I think most of the people believe in give and take relationship. We do good actions with some kind expectation. It may be same act in return or other kind of advantage.

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